Self Examination: Why Am I Here

Monday, July 26, 2010

Well it certainly has been a while since my last post. I actually had no intentions to write on this blog again. But due to recent circumstances I feel that it is well over due, I feel that some self reflection might do me some good. So with that I ask myself the same question a professor my freshman year at college asked me, why are you here? Yes David why are you here? It is a strange feeling asking and answering your own question. But I realized that after some self examination, I am one of the many persons who is completely lost, one of the few who still believes in love, and one of the few who can say he is completely and utterly head over heels about girl. So again when asked why am I here, my answer changes from huh? to ah yes, let me explain. I David am here because two people fell in love, my parents. And because of this love I was created and given an absolutely wonderful life. But somewhere along the line I realized that not only am I here because two people fell in love, but because I myself was to fall in love, and I most certainly did that. I found the one who makes want to wake up everyday, the one who I want to grow old with, and the one who can never do wrong. But I am sure you, the reader, are asking yourself, what about the self examination you spoke of, and this I say is coming. I may have found the girl worth living for, my one and only, and my forever and always, but because of this I am constantly questioning myself. Constantly asking myself why she is with this average Joe, why, when she can do so much better, is she with me? I tell myself that there is no room for error, this is the one, and one slip up could mean the end. And unfortunately this is completely true. I have made mistakes, I have done things that should ruin me, I have seen what my actions do, and for that I resent myself. But I know that even though my actions have skewed from the path, my heart and love for her has not. I am sorry for all that I have done, I am sorry for all my flaws as a human, I am sorry for not being what you want. But after thinking and writing this self reflection, I realize that all I want is to make you happy, all I want is to sacrifice for you, all I want is to love you. So there it is a little self examination mixed with a little self resentment. And because I have come to realize that I am here because of Love the love that created me, and the love that I will give away. And I can assure you I will give it away, I have given it away, to a beautiful girl who is my forever and always.